Saturday, December 15, 2012
Christmas Organ Recital
Organ Music for Christmas
Tuesday, December 18, 11:45 AM
Kevin Dill, organist
on the 2500-pipe Schlicker organ (built 1972)
Near Carillon on a Ukranian Carol
Bach (arr. Gower) Sinfonia from the Christmas Oratorio
Daquin Noel (Grand Jeu et Duo)
Guilmant Offertoire sur Deux Noels
Willcocks Postlude on 'Mendelssohn'
Presented as part of First Presbyterian's 'Lunch At First' series.
Admission to the recital is free, with a $5 lunch available afterwards.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Advent Lessons & Carols
An Advent Service of Lessons and Carols
The combined choirs and handbells
of First Presbyterian Church
Sunday, December 9, 11:00 AM
Ireland Adam Lay Ybounden
Bengtson Behold My Servant
arr. Hopson Advent Carol
arr. Lahme Maria Walks Amid the Thorn
Bedard Postlude in D
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Choral Vespers for All Saints Day
Choral Vespers for All Saints Day
an evening service of scripture, music, and prayer
Thursday, November 1, 7:30 PM
The Allegheny College Office of Spiritual & Religious Life
Rev. Jane Ellen Nickell, college chaplain
The Chancel Choir of Meadville First Presbyterian Church
Kevin Dill, director of music
Ford Chapel, Allegheny College
520 North Main St, Meadville
an evening service of scripture, music, and prayer
Thursday, November 1, 7:30 PM
The Allegheny College Office of Spiritual & Religious Life
Rev. Jane Ellen Nickell, college chaplain
The Chancel Choir of Meadville First Presbyterian Church
Kevin Dill, director of music
Ford Chapel, Allegheny College
520 North Main St, Meadville
Current music list
Music list for choral services (11:00 AM unless otherwise noted)
Oct. 21 – 21st Sunday after Pentecost
Chancel Choir
Introit: O Worship the Lord (Hal Hopson, b.1933)
Anthem: I Will Arise (American traditional, arr. Robert Lehman, b. 1928)
Oct. 28 – 22nd Sunday after Pentecost; Reformation Sunday
Chancel Choir
Introit: I Am Alpha and Omega (Healey Willan, 1880-1968)
Anthem: What Are These Arrayed In White Robes (John Stainer, 1840-1901)
Nov. 1 – Choral Vespers for All Saints Day (7:30 PM)
Sponsored by the Allegheny College Office of Spiritual & Religious Life
Ford Chapel, Allegheny College
Chancel Choir
Introit: I Am Alpha and Omega (Healey Willan, 1880-1968)
Psalm: Psalm 24 (arr. Kevin Dill)
Anthem: What Are These Arrayed In White Robes (John Stainer, 1840-1901)
Nov. 4 – 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Liberty Bells
Prelude: Celebration in C (Michael Keller, b.1952)
Offertory: O When the Saints Go Marching In (arr. B. Wayne Bisbee)
Nov. 11 – 24th Sunday after Pentecost
Junior Choir & Chancel Choir
Introit: Lord, for Thy Tender Mercies’ Sake (John Hilton, d.1608)
Anthem: Adonai Yimloch (Michael Braz, b.1943)
Nov. 18 – 25th Sunday after Pentecost; Presbyterian Women’s Thank Offering Sunday
Chancel Choir
Introit: Unto Him that Loved Us (Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958)
Anthem: Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord (John Bechler, 1784-1857)
Oct. 21 – 21st Sunday after Pentecost
Chancel Choir
Introit: O Worship the Lord (Hal Hopson, b.1933)
Anthem: I Will Arise (American traditional, arr. Robert Lehman, b. 1928)
Oct. 28 – 22nd Sunday after Pentecost; Reformation Sunday
Chancel Choir
Introit: I Am Alpha and Omega (Healey Willan, 1880-1968)
Anthem: What Are These Arrayed In White Robes (John Stainer, 1840-1901)
Nov. 1 – Choral Vespers for All Saints Day (7:30 PM)
Sponsored by the Allegheny College Office of Spiritual & Religious Life
Ford Chapel, Allegheny College
Chancel Choir
Introit: I Am Alpha and Omega (Healey Willan, 1880-1968)
Psalm: Psalm 24 (arr. Kevin Dill)
Anthem: What Are These Arrayed In White Robes (John Stainer, 1840-1901)
Nov. 4 – 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Liberty Bells
Prelude: Celebration in C (Michael Keller, b.1952)
Offertory: O When the Saints Go Marching In (arr. B. Wayne Bisbee)
Nov. 11 – 24th Sunday after Pentecost
Junior Choir & Chancel Choir
Introit: Lord, for Thy Tender Mercies’ Sake (John Hilton, d.1608)
Anthem: Adonai Yimloch (Michael Braz, b.1943)
Nov. 18 – 25th Sunday after Pentecost; Presbyterian Women’s Thank Offering Sunday
Chancel Choir
Introit: Unto Him that Loved Us (Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958)
Anthem: Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord (John Bechler, 1784-1857)
Monday, September 24, 2012
Current music list
Music list for choral services (11:00 AM unless otherwise noted)
Sept. 9 – 15th Sunday after Pentecost
Chancel Choir
Introit: Of The Father’s Love Begotten (plainsong, mode V)
Anthem: If God Be For Us (Clifford McCormick)
Sept. 16 – 16th Sunday after Pentecost
Chancel Choir
Introit: Christe Sanctorum (Paris Antiphoner, 1681)
Anthem: Rejoice in the Lord (John Bishop, 1665-1737)
Sept. 23 – 17th Sunday after Pentecost
Liberty Bells & Chancel Choir
Introit: Unto Thee, O Lord (Robert Powell, b.1932)
Offertory Interlude: Jubilate (Douglas Wagner, b.1943)
Sept. 30 – 18th Sunday after Pentecost
A combined service with the congregation of Stone Methodist Church celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Fairview-Fairmont Housing Corporation
Carillon Bell Choir of Stone Methodist Church; Chancel Choir
Introit: Oculi Omnium (Charles Wood, 1866-1926)
Motet: Nisi Dominus (Marc-Antoine Charpentier, 1643-1704)
Offertory: In Christ Alone (S. Townend & K. Getty, arr. Sandra Eithun)
Oct. 7 – 19th Sunday after Pentecost; World Communion Sunday
Music director on vacation
Oct. 14 – 20th Sunday after Pentecost
Liberty Bells & Chancel Choir
Introit: Come and Go With Me (Spiritual, arr. Alice Parker, b. 1925)
Offertory Interlude: Arioso (Mary McCleary)
Sept. 9 – 15th Sunday after Pentecost
Chancel Choir
Introit: Of The Father’s Love Begotten (plainsong, mode V)
Anthem: If God Be For Us (Clifford McCormick)
Sept. 16 – 16th Sunday after Pentecost
Chancel Choir
Introit: Christe Sanctorum (Paris Antiphoner, 1681)
Anthem: Rejoice in the Lord (John Bishop, 1665-1737)
Sept. 23 – 17th Sunday after Pentecost
Liberty Bells & Chancel Choir
Introit: Unto Thee, O Lord (Robert Powell, b.1932)
Offertory Interlude: Jubilate (Douglas Wagner, b.1943)
Sept. 30 – 18th Sunday after Pentecost
A combined service with the congregation of Stone Methodist Church celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Fairview-Fairmont Housing Corporation
Carillon Bell Choir of Stone Methodist Church; Chancel Choir
Introit: Oculi Omnium (Charles Wood, 1866-1926)
Motet: Nisi Dominus (Marc-Antoine Charpentier, 1643-1704)
Offertory: In Christ Alone (S. Townend & K. Getty, arr. Sandra Eithun)
Oct. 7 – 19th Sunday after Pentecost; World Communion Sunday
Music director on vacation
Oct. 14 – 20th Sunday after Pentecost
Liberty Bells & Chancel Choir
Introit: Come and Go With Me (Spiritual, arr. Alice Parker, b. 1925)
Offertory Interlude: Arioso (Mary McCleary)
Saturday, August 25, 2012
universe of poetry
universe of poetry
celebrating the 40th anniversary of first presbyterian's 3-manual, 2500-pipe schlicker organ
kevin dill, organist
friday, september 14, 7:30 pm
free admission
program to include:
boely fantasie & fugue in b-flat
bach trio sonata #6
sweelinck variations on est-ce mars?
near variations on adoro te devote
tchaikovsky (arr. silver) scherzo from string quartet #1
vierne finale from organ symphony #1
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
It's rehearsal time!
The Chancel Choir and Liberty Bells will soon begin regular rehearsals following their summer hiatus. Chancel Choir rehearsals begin on Thursday, September 6 at 7:30 PM; the Liberty Bells begin on Sunday, September 9 at 9:45 AM. Singers and bellringers interested in joining either of these ensembles should contact Kevin Dill.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Musicians Wanted!
Kevin Dill is looking for vocalists and instrumentalists to contribute their talents to our summer worship (9:30 services). If you have a musical gift that you'd like to share with the congregation, Kevin would love to hear from you!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Organ Recital -- Kevin Dill
Kevin Dill, organist
Tuesday, May 1, 2012 -- 12:00 noon
Central Presbyterian Church
31 Center St
Geneseo, New York
Program to include:
Couperin Offertoire sur les Grands Jeux
Vivaldi, arr. Bach Concerto in D minor
Rheinberger Intermezzo, from Sonata #8
Bedard Pater Noster (selections)
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Magical Mozart

First Presbyterian Church of Meadville presents
Saturday, April 28, 7:00 PM
free admission
Juanita Shutsa, flute
Danae Binder, soprano
Michael Miller, baritone
Will McInally, piano
Kevin Dill, organ and piano
Program to include:
Sonata in A for flute and piano, K.12
Fugue in G minor for organ, K.401
Sonata in D for piano duo, K.381
Arias and Duets from Don Giovanni and Le Nozze di Figaro
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Holy Week and Easter music list

Music list for choral services (11:00 AM unless otherwise noted)
Apr. 1 – Palm Sunday
Chancel Choir
Introit: Palm Sunday Antiphons (Franz Schubert, 1797-1828)
Anthem: Draw Nigh to Thy Jerusalem (David Williams, 1919-?)
Postlude: All Glory, Laud, and Honor, BWV 735 (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)
Apr. 5 – Maundy Thursday Communion Service (7:30 PM)
Chancel Choir
Introit: Ecce Agnus Dei (Kevin Dill)
Communion: Ach Herr, Mich Armen Sünder (D. Buxtehude, 1637-1707)
Motet: O Sacrum Convivium (Georg Viktor Weber, 1838-1911)
Apr. 8 – Easter Sunday (9:00 & 11:00 AM)
Chancel Choir; Dr. Jennifer Dearden, Trumpet
Preservice Music: Toccata in C, BWV 564 (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)
Introit: Resurrexi, Alleluia (Kevin Dill)
Interlude: Aria, from Trumpet Sonata, Op. 51 (Flor Peeters, 1903-1986)
Anthem: The Strife is O’er (Donald Cashmore, b.1926)
Choral Response: Alleluia (Andrea Gabrieli, 1510-1586)
Postlude: Sed Libera Nos, from Pater Noster (Denis Bédard, b.1950)
Saturday, March 3, 2012
March music list
Music list for choral services (11:00 AM unless otherwise noted)
Mar. 4 – 2nd Sunday in Lent
Chancel Choir
Introit: Can’t You Hear What My Lord Said (Spiritual, arr. Alice Parker, b.1925)
Motet: Agnus Dei, from Missa Brevis #7 (Charles Gounod, 1818-1893)
Postlude: Grave, from Sonata II (Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-1847)
Mar. 11 – 3rd Sunday in Lent
Liberty Bells & Women of the Chancel Choir
Introit: Vere Languores Nostros (Antonio Lotti, 1667-1740)
Offertory: Psalm 43 (Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-1847, arr. Dill)
Postlude: Prelude in A minor, BWV 543 (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)
Mar. 18 – 4th Sunday in Lent
Junior Choir & Gentlemen of the Chancel Choir
Introit: I Shall Be Satisfied (George Wells, 1819-1873)
Anthem: Gracious Spirit, Dwell With Me (plainsong, arr. K Scott, b.1950)
Postlude: Fughetta in D minor (Healey Willan, 1880-1968)
Mar. 25 – 5th Sunday in Lent
Music director on study leave
Mar. 4 – 2nd Sunday in Lent
Chancel Choir
Introit: Can’t You Hear What My Lord Said (Spiritual, arr. Alice Parker, b.1925)
Motet: Agnus Dei, from Missa Brevis #7 (Charles Gounod, 1818-1893)
Postlude: Grave, from Sonata II (Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-1847)
Mar. 11 – 3rd Sunday in Lent
Liberty Bells & Women of the Chancel Choir
Introit: Vere Languores Nostros (Antonio Lotti, 1667-1740)
Offertory: Psalm 43 (Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-1847, arr. Dill)
Postlude: Prelude in A minor, BWV 543 (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)
Mar. 18 – 4th Sunday in Lent
Junior Choir & Gentlemen of the Chancel Choir
Introit: I Shall Be Satisfied (George Wells, 1819-1873)
Anthem: Gracious Spirit, Dwell With Me (plainsong, arr. K Scott, b.1950)
Postlude: Fughetta in D minor (Healey Willan, 1880-1968)
Mar. 25 – 5th Sunday in Lent
Music director on study leave
Saturday, February 4, 2012
February music list
Music list for choral services (11:00 AM unless otherwise noted)
Feb. 5 – 5th Sunday after Epiphany
Chancel Choir
Introit: Give Fellowship, We Pray (Harold Friedell, 1905-1958)
Anthem: Peace Like a River (Spiritual, arr. Donald Moore, b.1946)
Postlude: Fanfare (William Mathias, 1934-1992)
Feb. 12 – 6th Sunday after Epiphany
Chancel Choir
Introit: Rejoice in the Lord (John Bishop, 1665-1737)
Anthem: Come and Go With Me (Spiritual, arr. Alice Parker, b.1925)
Postlude: Prelude & Fugue in C (Johann Ludwig Krebs, 1713-1780)
Feb. 19 – The Transfiguration of the Lord
Liberty Bell Choir
Prelude: Festival Voluntary (Thomas Pattison, 1848-1936, arr. Dill)
Offertory: Rondeau (Henry Purcell, 1659-1695, arr. Philip Young)
Postlude: Prelude in C, Op. 109 no. 3 (Camille Saint-Saëns, 1835-1921)
Feb. 22 – Ash Wednesday Communion Service (6:00 PM)
Junior Choir
Anthem: The Lamb (Gerald Patrick Coleman, b.1953)
Feb. 26 – 1st Sunday in Lent
Chancel Choir
Introit: Bow Down Thine Ear, O Lord (John Bishop, 1665-1737)
Motet: O Sacrum Convivium (Georg Viktor Weber, 1838-1911)
Communion: Jesu Dulcis Memoria (plainsong, with anon. versets)
Postlude: Fugue in G minor (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791)
Feb. 5 – 5th Sunday after Epiphany
Chancel Choir
Introit: Give Fellowship, We Pray (Harold Friedell, 1905-1958)
Anthem: Peace Like a River (Spiritual, arr. Donald Moore, b.1946)
Postlude: Fanfare (William Mathias, 1934-1992)
Feb. 12 – 6th Sunday after Epiphany
Chancel Choir
Introit: Rejoice in the Lord (John Bishop, 1665-1737)
Anthem: Come and Go With Me (Spiritual, arr. Alice Parker, b.1925)
Postlude: Prelude & Fugue in C (Johann Ludwig Krebs, 1713-1780)
Feb. 19 – The Transfiguration of the Lord
Liberty Bell Choir
Prelude: Festival Voluntary (Thomas Pattison, 1848-1936, arr. Dill)
Offertory: Rondeau (Henry Purcell, 1659-1695, arr. Philip Young)
Postlude: Prelude in C, Op. 109 no. 3 (Camille Saint-Saëns, 1835-1921)
Feb. 22 – Ash Wednesday Communion Service (6:00 PM)
Junior Choir
Anthem: The Lamb (Gerald Patrick Coleman, b.1953)
Feb. 26 – 1st Sunday in Lent
Chancel Choir
Introit: Bow Down Thine Ear, O Lord (John Bishop, 1665-1737)
Motet: O Sacrum Convivium (Georg Viktor Weber, 1838-1911)
Communion: Jesu Dulcis Memoria (plainsong, with anon. versets)
Postlude: Fugue in G minor (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791)
Saturday, January 7, 2012
January music list
Music list for choral services (11:00 AM unless otherwise noted)
Jan. 1 – 1st Sunday after Christmas
Chancel Choir
Introit: A New Year Carol (Benjamin Britten, 1913-1976)
Anthem: The Truth from Above (Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958)
Postlude: Postlude in D (Adolf Friedrich Hesse, 1809-1863)
Jan. 8 – The Baptism of the Lord
Chancel Choir
Introit: O Worship the Lord (Hal Hopson, b.1933)
Anthem: This is the Hour of Banquet and of Song (Alfred Fedak, b.1953)
Communion Interlude: Toccata per l’Organo (G. Frescobaldi, 1583-1643)
Postlude: Toccata in F (Dietrich Buxtehude, 1637-1707)
Jan. 15 – 2nd Sunday after Epiphany
Chancel Choir
Introit: Lord, Hear the Words of Our Supplication (Hal Hopson, b.1933)
Anthem: Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me (plainsong, arr. K. Scott, b. 1950)
Postlude: Fanfare (Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens, 1823-1881)
Jan. 22 – 3rd Sunday after Epiphany
Junior Choir & Chancel Choir
Introit: Psalm 121 (Jean Berger, 1909-2002)
Anthem: Psalm 98 (Jane Marshall, b.1924)
Postlude: Fugue, Concerto in d minor (A. Vivaldi, 1678-1741, arr. Bach)
Jan. 29 – 4th Sunday after Epiphany
Liberty Bells & Chancel Choir
Prelude: Festival Voluntary (Thomas Pattison, 1848-1936, arr. Dill)
Anthem: The Prayers I Make (Jane Marshall, b.1924)
Postlude: Con Moto Maestoso, Sonata III (Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-1847)
Jan. 1 – 1st Sunday after Christmas
Chancel Choir
Introit: A New Year Carol (Benjamin Britten, 1913-1976)
Anthem: The Truth from Above (Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958)
Postlude: Postlude in D (Adolf Friedrich Hesse, 1809-1863)
Jan. 8 – The Baptism of the Lord
Chancel Choir
Introit: O Worship the Lord (Hal Hopson, b.1933)
Anthem: This is the Hour of Banquet and of Song (Alfred Fedak, b.1953)
Communion Interlude: Toccata per l’Organo (G. Frescobaldi, 1583-1643)
Postlude: Toccata in F (Dietrich Buxtehude, 1637-1707)
Jan. 15 – 2nd Sunday after Epiphany
Chancel Choir
Introit: Lord, Hear the Words of Our Supplication (Hal Hopson, b.1933)
Anthem: Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me (plainsong, arr. K. Scott, b. 1950)
Postlude: Fanfare (Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens, 1823-1881)
Jan. 22 – 3rd Sunday after Epiphany
Junior Choir & Chancel Choir
Introit: Psalm 121 (Jean Berger, 1909-2002)
Anthem: Psalm 98 (Jane Marshall, b.1924)
Postlude: Fugue, Concerto in d minor (A. Vivaldi, 1678-1741, arr. Bach)
Jan. 29 – 4th Sunday after Epiphany
Liberty Bells & Chancel Choir
Prelude: Festival Voluntary (Thomas Pattison, 1848-1936, arr. Dill)
Anthem: The Prayers I Make (Jane Marshall, b.1924)
Postlude: Con Moto Maestoso, Sonata III (Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-1847)
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