at the First Presbyterian Church of Meadville

Sunday, April 13
Palm Sunday (11:00 AM)
Chancel Choir
Introit: O Come, Let Us Sing (Hal Hopson, b.1933)
Anthem: Acclamation for Palm Sunday (Kevin Dill)
Thursday, April 17
Maundy Thursday Communion Service (7:30 PM)
Chancel Choir
Introit: Ecce Agnus Dei (Kevin Dill)
Kyrie Eleison: New Plainsong (David Hurd, b.1950)
Anthem: He Was Despised (Karl Heinrich Graun, 1704-1759)
Sunday, April 20
Easter Sunday (9:00 & 11:00 AM)
French Creek Brass Quintet & Chancel Choir
Introit: From the Rising of the Sun (Raymond Weidner, b.1958)
Brass selections to be announced