Monday, April 30, 2018

Spring Ring

The phrase "heavy metal" takes on a whole new meaning on Saturday, May 12th, as handbell ensembles from three Meadville churches present a concert for the public. The venue is the historic Stone Methodist Church on Diamond Park, and the performers are the Carillon Ringers from Stone Church, the Trinity Belltones from Trinity Lutheran Church, and the Liberty Bells and Agape Trio from First Presbyterian Church.

A conversation between Patrick Bier, James Ross, and Kevin Dill, the organists of the three churches involved, sparked the idea for this concert. "We've brought our churches together for other events in the past, such as a Choral Vespers service on Ascension Day," notes Bier. "This time around we thought: why not assemble our handbell choirs and perform a few pieces for each other and for the community?" In addition to the bell pieces, Ross, Bier, and Dill will each perform a solo on the church's hybrid pipe-digital organ.

Handbell ringing has been practiced in Europe for centuries, but is a relative newcomer to America. "The art really surged in popularity around the time of America's bicentennial celebration," explains Dill. "First Presbyterian, for example, launched its Liberty Bells in the mid-1970s, and some of the founding members of that ensemble are still ringing with us today."

The program includes a variety of music including arrangements of traditional hymns and festive works by contemporary composers. The audience will also witness the ringing technique called "four-in-hand" in which two bells are held in each hand, allowing them to be rung either individually or simultaneously. "It's a difficult technique that can take years to master," notes Ross, "but there are indeed a few of our ringers who can handle four bells at once!"

The performance begins at 7:00 PM, and admission is free. For more information contact Stone Methodist Church at 724-6736.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Mysteries of the Pipe Organ

The First Presbyterian Church of Meadville presents:
Mysteries of the Pipe Organ
Tuesday, April 17
Kevin Dill, presenter

We're all familiar with the sound of pipe organs, but how do they actually work? And how did they come to be associated with the church? Join Kevin Dill, First Presbyterian's Director of Music, as he leads a hands-on demonstration of Meadville's largest and most complex musical instrument. (If you've always wanted blow into an organ pipe, this is your chance at last!)

This presentation wraps up another year of First Presbyterian's Lunch @ First series, which hosts speakers on a variety of topics on the third Tuesday of the month. A potluck lunch will be served in the fellowship hall at 11:45 AM, and the presentation begins in the sanctuary at approximately 12:30 PM.