Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Organ Recital

An annual tradition continues at First Presbyterian Church as Music Director Kevin Dill presents a holiday-themed organ recital on Tuesday, December 15 at 11:45 AM. The program of about thirty minutes will offer a variety of selections sure to get the audience in the Christmas spirit, including works spanning two continents and three centuries.

This recital is presented as part of First Presbyterian’s “Lunch At First” series, which hosts speakers on a variety of topics on the third Tuesday of the month. Admission to the recital is free, with lunch available afterwards for a cost of $4.

Monday, November 30, 2009

December Music List Posted

Music list for choral services (11:00 unless otherwise noted)

Dec. 6. – 2nd Sunday in Advent: An Advent Service of Lessons & Carols
Chancel Choir & Liberty Bells
Carol: The Truth from Above (arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958)
Carol: Thou Shalt Know Him When He Comes (Kevin Dill)
Offertory: O Come, O Come Emmanuel (arr. Cynthia Dobrinski)
Canticle: Magnificat in f minor (Charles Wood, 1866-1926)
Postlude: Postlude in D (Denis Bédard, b.1950)

Dec. 13 – 3rd Sunday in Advent
Junior Choir & Chancel Choir
Introit: Thou Shalt Know Him When He Comes (Kevin Dill)
Anthem: Ding Dong! Merrily on High (arr. Sir David Willcocks, b.1919)
Postlude: Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland (J. S. Bach, 1685-1750)

Dec. 20 – 4th Sunday in Advent
Liberty Bells
Introit: Ecce Virgo Concipiet (plainsong, mode i)
Offertory: Two Polish Carols (arr. Kenneth Danchik)
Postlude: Herr Christ, der Einig Gottes Sohn (J. S. Bach, 1685-1750)

Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (11:00 PM)
Chancel Choir
Introit: I Wonder As I Wander (Appalachian Carol)
Anthem: All This Time (Sir William Walton, 1902-1983)
Anthem: Gesu Bambino (Pietro Yon, 1886-1943)
Choral Response: Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Antonio Vivaldi, 1678-1741)
Postlude: Finale from Symphony II (Charles-Marie Widor, 1844-1937)

Dec. 27 – 1st Sunday after Christmas (Combined 10:00 AM service this week)

Chancel Choir
Introit: Puer Natus in Bethlehem (plainsong, mode i)
Anthem: Unto Us a Child is Born (arr. Geoffrey Shaw, 1879-1943)
Postlude: Toccata on “Il Est Né, Le Divin Enfant” (Denis Bédard, b.1950)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Holiday Bell Concert

The third annual “Ring Those Holiday Bells” concert will take place on Friday, Dec. 4 at 7:00 PM at the Saegertown Methodist church, 620 Euclid Avenue. The Liberty Bells of First Presbyterian will be performing along with other local handbell choirs, singers, and instrumentalists. The program consists of holiday-themed music, with an opportunity for the audience to sing along. Last year's concert drew a full house, so come early to get a good seat!

Monday, October 26, 2009

November music list posted

Music list for choral services (11:00 unless otherwise noted)

Nov. 1 – (9:30 AM) Gospel of John dramatic presentation – no choirs or bells

Nov. 8 – 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time; Stewardship Sunday
Chancel Choir & Musica Divina Chamber Choir
Introit: Give Almes of Thy Goods (Christopher Tye, c.1500-1573)
Anthem: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (arr. Gilbert M. Martin)
Postlude: Menuet, from Suite Gothique (Léon Boëllmann, 1862-1897)

Nov. 15 – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Junior Choir & Chancel Choir
Introit: I To The Hills Lift Up Mine Eyes (Jean Berger, 1909-2002)
Anthem: O Ye Butterflies and Moths (Andrew Carter, b.1939)
Postlude: Fugue in g minor (Nicolaus Bruhns, 1665-1697)

Nov. 22 – 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time; PW Thank Offering Sunday
Chancel Choir & Liberty Bells
Prelude: Fanfare-Rondeau (Jean-J. Mouret, 1682-1738, arr. Thompson)
Anthem: Praise (Alec Rowley, 1892-1958)
Postlude: Toccata Gioiosa (William Mathias, 1934-1992)

Nov. 29 – 1st Sunday in Advent
Gentlemen of the Chancel Choir
Introit: O Sapientia – O Adonai (plainsong, mode ii)
Anthem: Zion Hears the Watchmen’s Voices (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)
Communion: Advent Prose (plainsong, mode i)
Postlude: Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland (J. S. Bach, 1685-1750)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October music list posted

Music list for choral services (11:00 unless otherwise noted)

Oct. 4. – 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Communion Sunday

Chancel Choir
Introit: Sanctus, Missa Orbis Factor (plainsong, mode II)
Motet: Veni Sancte Spiritus, K. 47 (W.A. Mozart, 1756-1791)
Communion: Adoro Te Devote (arr. Gerald Near, b.1942)
Postlude: Postlude in D, op. 50 no. 2 (Denis Bédard, b.1950)

Oct. 11 – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gentlemen of the Chancel Choir
Prelude: Carol (Kenneth Meek, 1908-1976)
Anthem: We Have Waited in Silence (Bruce Neswick, b.1956)
Postlude: Postlude in G (Charles Villiers Stanford, 1852-1924)

Oct. 18 – 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Liberty Bells & Women of the Chancel Choir
Introit: Dulcis Christe (Michaelangelo Grancini, 1605-1669)
Offertory: Sarabande in d minor (G.F. Handel, 1685-1759, arr. Dill)
Postlude: Fugue in C, BWV 545 (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)

Oct. 25 – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time; Reformation Sunday
Junior Choir & Chancel Choir
Introit: God’s Word is Our Great Heritage (arr. Carolyn Jennings)
Anthem: My Jesus is My Lasting Joy (D. Buxtehude, 1637-1707, arr. Bitgood)
Postlude: Fanfare (Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens, 1823-1881)

Brass & Organ Extravaganza

First Presbyterian is hosting a brass and organ extravaganza on Tuesday, October 20 at 7:30 PM. Join faculty and students from Allegheny College, along with organist Kevin Dill, as they present solo and ensemble music for brass and organ by Buxtehude, Gigout, Telemann, Galliard, Trombetti, Faure, and more. Admission is free!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Canadian Organ Music Workshop

Did you know that our neighbor to the north has a flourishing musical culture? Join Kevin Dill, Music Director at the First Presbyterian Church of Meadville, as we explore the organ music of Canada. This workshop, sponsored by the Erie Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, takes place on Saturday, October 10 at 1 PM.

Dill, a graduate of the University of Alberta and Associate of the Royal Canadian College of Organists, will take us through an overview of Canada’s most important organ composers, with an emphasis on accessible and useful repertoire for the church organist. The workshop will include both a brief talk and a recital on First Presbyterian's 2500-pipe Schlicker organ. Musicians and non-musicians alike are welcome to attend this free event; phone 333-2161 for more information.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

FPC hosts Thai dance & drama

On Tuesday, September 29 at 7 PM, First Presbyterian Church will host a performance by a dance & drama troupe from Payap University in Chiang Mai, Thailand. (Our Church helps support Rev. Rob Collins and his wife, Rev. Esther Wakeman, who are directors of the Christian Communications Institute of the University.) This 90-minute program will feature dances from various regions of Thailand, as well as a traditional melodrama (Likay) with English translation. Please plan to come join us as this troupe shares its message with us.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September Music List Posted

Sept. 6 – 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (10:00)
Chancel Choir
Introit: Day By Day (Harold Friedell, 1905-1958)
Anthem: O For a Closer Walk With God (C. V. Stanford, 1852-1924)
Postlude: Allegro, Concerto in a minor (A. Vivaldi, 1678-1741, arr. Bach)

Sept. 13 – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (normal 11:00 hours resume this week)
Chancel Choir
Introit: Lord, For Thy Tender Mercies Sake (Richard Farrant, 1530-1580)
Anthem: How Firm A Foundation (arr. Alice Parker, b.1925)
Postlude: Finale, from Sonata I (Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-1847)

Sept. 20 – 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Chancel Choir
Introit: I To the Hills Lift Up Mine Eyes (Jean Berger, 1909-2002)
Anthem: Ye Servants of God (arr. Henry Coleman, 1888-1965)
Postlude: Rigaudon (André Campra, 1660-1744)

Sept. 27 – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Chancel Choir & Liberty Bells
Prelude: Sarabande in d minor (G.F. Handel, 1685-1759, arr. Dill)
Anthem: Clap Your Hands (Nancy Roberts, b.1928)
Postlude: March (Henry Purcell, 1659-1695, arr. C.H. Trevor)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Choral Scholarships Available

First Presbyterian Church of Meadville has scholarships available for students willing to sing with our Chancel Choir for the 2009-2010 season. Singers must be able to commit to Thursday evening rehearsals (7:30-9:00) and Sunday morning services (10:20-12:00).

As this program is intended to be a learning opportunity, preference will be given to:
- those in post-secondary studies,
- those taking music lessons privately or through a college or conservatory,
- high school students with the musical ability to sing in an adult choir.

Preference will be given to candidates with choral experience and music reading ability, though we will consider all potential singers on their own merit. For further information contact Kevin Dill at the church.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No rehearsals - No robes - No commitment!

All voices are welcome to join us for Summer Choir, which will sing at the 10:00 services from July 26-September 2. We will warm up in the music room at 9:30, and the music will be quite accessible. Current and former choir members are welcome to join us, as well as those interested in singing but who can't commit to our schedule during the year. Join us for one Sunday, or for all seven! For further information contact Kevin Dill at the church.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Announcing our winners

First Presbyterian Church of Meadville is pleased to announce the winners of its 2009 hymn text competition. A total of 29 texts were submitted, coming from as far away as New York and Texas. The panel of judges assessed each entry for its creativity, theological insight, and suitability for congregational use.

The judges awarded first prize to Jeanette Reynolds of Erie for her poem “At The Table”. Over the summer this text will be set to music by Kevin Dill, FPC's Director of Music, and introduced to the congregation. The judges also awarded second prize to Ruth Prest of Meadville for her poem “God of Peace”, and third prize to Jeannette Bauer Rynd of Espyville for “I Love the Lord.”

First Presbyterian Church would like to congratulate the winners, and to thank everyone who submitted a hymn for this contest.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hymn Text Competition

The Erie Times-News has published a feature on First Presbyterian's hymn text competition. Click here to view the story.

May music list posted

Music list for choral services (11:00 unless otherwise noted)

May 3 – 4th Sunday of Easter

Chancel Choir
Introit: Rise Up My Love (Healey Willan, 1880-1968)
Anthem: Saints Bound for Heaven (traditional, arr. R. Shaw & A. Parker)
Postlude: Allegro Brillante, from Sonatine (Eugene Hill, 1909-1976)

May 10 – 5th Sunday of Easter (8:30 & 11:00)

Junior Choir – Mother’s Day Musical
“Swingin’ Samson” by Michael Hurd
Postlude: Allein Gott in der Höh Sei Ehr (Georg Böhm, 1661-1733)

May 17 – 6th Sunday of Easter

Chancel Choir & Liberty Bells
Introit: This Joyful Eastertide (Dutch carol, arr. Alice Parker, b.1925)
Offertory: Rejoice (Cynthia Dobrinski)
Postlude: Marche Pontificale (Charles-Marie Widor, 1844-1937)

May 24 – 7th Sunday of Easter (10:00 summer hours begin this week)

Chancel Choir
Introit: Vox Ultima Crucis (William H. Harris, 1883-1973)
Anthem: The Wings of the Morning (Alice Parker, b.1925)
Postlude: Finale, from Concerto in d minor (Antonio Vivaldi, 1678-1741)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Calling All Poets!

As part of its goal of encouraging the creative and performing arts in our community, First Presbyterian Church of Meadville is holding a hymn text competition. We are seeking texts of 3-6 stanzas in length with themes exploring the role of faith in the modern world. There is no entry fee, but only one entry per individual will be accepted.

Each submission will be assessed by a panel of judges for its originality, creative use of language, theological insight, and appropriateness for congregational use. The judges will award first, second, and third prizes. The winning entry will be set to an original tune and introduced to the congregation of First Presbyterian Church in the fall of 2009.

To submit an entry for this contest, contact Kevin Dill, Director of Music, by e-mail at or by phoning 333-2161. The deadline for entries is May 15th, 2009.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April music list posted

Music list for choral services (11:00 unless otherwise noted)

Apr. 5 – Palm Sunday
Junior Choir & Chancel Choir
Introit: Let All the Gates Be Opened Wide (Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897)
Anthem: Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates (A. Hammerschmidt, 1612-1675)
Postlude: Fanfare (Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens, 1823-1881)

Apr. 9 – Maundy Thursday (7:30 PM)

Chancel Choir
Introit: Kyrie Eleison, from Missa Secunda (Hans L. Hassler, 1564-1612)
Anthem: Christ, Be Thine The Glory (Heinrich Schütz, 1585-1672)

Apr. 12 – Easter Sunday (9:00 & 11:00)
Chancel Choir; Jennifer Dearden, trumpet
Prelude: Trumpet Sonata, mvmt. III (Henry Purcell, 1659-1695)
Interlude: Gigue (Georg Phillip Telemann, 1681-1757)
Anthem: Sing Ye to the Lord (Edward Bairstow, 1874-1946)
Choral Response: Hallelujah (Henry Purcell, 1659-1695)
Postlude: Fugue in C, BWV 545 (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)

Apr. 19 – 2nd Sunday of Easter
Liberty Bells & Women of the Chancel Choir
Introit: Ubi Duo Vel Tres (Claudio Monteverdi, 1567-1643)
Offertory: Carillon Festiva (Raymond Haan, b. 1938)
Postlude: Postlude in D (Healey Willan, 1880-1968)

Apr. 26 – 3rd Sunday of Easter

Gentlemen of the Chancel Choir
Prelude: Intermezzo, from Petite Suite (Gerald Bales, 1919-2002)
Anthem: For the Mountains Shall Depart (F. Mendelssohn, 1808-1847)
Postlude: Fantasia in C (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750, completed by H. Keller)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Organ recital

Kevin Dill, First Presbyterian's Director of Music, will present an organ recital at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Greenville on Sunday, March 15 at 3:30 PM. This recital is part of the church's Friends of Music series, which features both local talent and visiting artists offering a variety of concerts throughout the year.

Dill's recital on the two-manual, 42-rank Casavant pipe organ will include free works and chorale preludes of J.S. Bach, movements from Francois Couperin's Messe Pour Les Convents, shorter works by Mozart, Mendelssohn, and Vierne, and the first concert performance of Dill's own Three Etudes.

Holy Trinity is located at the corner of Penn Avenue and Clinton Street in Greenville; phone (724)588-8870 for details.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

March music list posted

Music list for choral services (11:00 unless otherwise noted)

Mar. 1 – 1st Sunday in Lent
Chancel Choir
Introit: Kyrie Eleison (Missa Orbis Factor)
Motet: Agnus Dei, from Mass for Four Voices (William Byrd, 1543-1623)
Postlude: Prelude in a minor (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)

Mar. 8 – 2nd Sunday in Lent
Liberty Bell Choir & Chancel Choir
Prelude: What Wondrous Love is This (arr. Barry Braman, b.1947)
Anthem: O Saviour of the World (John Goss, 1800-1880)
Postlude: Grand Dialogue, Suite du 1er Ton (Jacques Boyvin, 1649-1706)

Mar. 15 – 3nd Sunday in Lent
Junior Choir & Gentlemen of the Chancel Choir
Introit: Kyrie Eleison (Missa Kyrie Magnae Deus Potentiae)
Anthem: I Give You a New Commandment (Peter Aston, b. 1938)
Postlude: Fantasia in b minor (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)

Mar. 22 – 4th Sunday in Lent
Chancel Choir
Introit: Kyrie Eleison (Missa Orbis Factor)
Anthem: View Me, Lord (Charles Wood, 1866-1926)
Postlude: Erhalt Uns, Herr, Bei Deinem Wort (D. Buxtehude, 1637-1707)

Mar. 29 – 5th Sunday in Lent
Liberty Bells & Musica Divina Chamber Choir
Introit: Put Me Not to Rebuke (William Croft, 1678-1727)
Offertory: Thy Holy Wings (arr. Cathy Moklebust, b.1958)
Postlude: Fugue in G (Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-1847)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Muskingum College Choirs Concert at First Presbyterian

The choirs of Muskingum College from New Concord, Ohio, will make a stop at First Presbyterian as part of their 2009 spring tour. The 48-voice Concert Choir and 12-voice Chamber Singers will present a program of choral delights on Monday, March 2 at 7:30 PM. The singers will showcase a wide variety of repertoire, from Renaissance madrigals to folksong arrangements to Broadway showstoppers. Muskingum alumnus Robert Owen Jones, Professor of Music and Director of Choirs at the college, will take the podium for the performance.

Muskingum college, founded in 1837, is a broad-based liberal arts institution serving over 1600 students. The Concert Choir and Chamber Singers, comprised of 60 percent non-music majors, have met with enthusiastic responses from audiences on both sides of the Atlantic. The choirs tour annually during the spring semester, with Meadville representing one of 12 engagements on this year’s tour. For further information contact Kevin Dill at 333-2161.